
IndieGoGo to re-create experimental FPS ROTC: Ethernet using a modern open-source engine

Started by January 17, 2014 07:25 PM
-1 comments, last by Michael Goldener 10 years, 8 months ago

I'm the developer of a small experimental freeware FPS game called Revenge Of The Cats: Ethernet (

Here's a short description of the game (straight from its IndieDB page):

Revenge Of The Cats: Ethernet is a free experimental online multiplayer FPS with unique gameplay: Alternate between the pure energy "ether form" and the physical manifestation called "CAT". Capture territory and defeat enemies using a multitude of weapons, grenades, and target-seeking discs that can be deflected and steered around corners. Thanks to the territory capturing and the fact that you can only change into CAT form on friendly territory, this game is much deeper than your usual abstract shooter.

I'd like to continue development of the game as an open-source project using the Torque3D-MIT engine, so I've set up an IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign in the hope to get some funding. If funding succeeds, I will be able to go to work full-time on creating version 1.0 of the yet unnamed open-source version of Revenge Of The Cats: Ethernet, set up dedicated servers for the game around the world and create and run an independent player database.

I'd really appreciate any kind of support. From spreading the word about the campaign to any tips you might have how to make the campaign more visible (its visitor count remains very low).

Here's the IndieGoGo pitch video:


IndieGoGo campaign site:

And here are some additional links:

- Official Site (it was hacked some time ago, so it's very bare-bones right now)
- Player Chat (IRC)
- Revenge Of The Cats: Ethernet @ Linux Game DataBase
- Revenge Of The Cats: Ethernet @ IndieDB
- Revenge Of The Cats: Ethernet @ Twitter
- Revenge Of The Cats: Ethernet @ Facebook

Thanks for reading smile.png

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