
Vorge - HTML5/JS Engine & Editing Suite

Started by February 01, 2014 08:13 PM
4 comments, last by NickolasDugger 10 years, 6 months ago

Hey everyone, I'm kind of raising awareness at the moment, annoying as it is for you to read, lol. Anyways, I've recently started on a project of mine to create an open-source, HTML5/JS game engine, with a complete editing suite (similar to RPG Maker).

There's not a ton of compiled information on it yet, but I do have a couple of screenshots, and a video for you!

Screenshot 1: the map editor

Screenshot 2: creating an event

Here's a screencast that I just did today that very quickly covers the basics of the editor thus far:

At this point, being as early I am into development, I want to get as much feedback as possible from anyone that has used, or will use an engine like this. I want to make it as full and complete as possible, and the best way to do that is to actually understand what everyone wants and needs!

Hello, Chief.

Looks cool.

Alright, time for another screencast!
I am finally back on track, and this time saving files all works, beautifully! The interface colours and icons are all temporary, though, so don't worry that it looks ugly.

Looks really cool, I always enjoyed RPG Maker when I was a bit younger. smile.png

And also, side note, those tabs in your browser man; That's extreme!

Here's an updated screeny! Now, the eventing system actually does generate code for you, though I've only done 2 options so far: dialogue (text), and choices. All-in-all, it's gone better than expected so far.


New video, showing off the new interface, and now you get to see the editor actually generating the code!

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