
Grumpy Zombies - for iOS and Android ( Made by 4 students )

Started by February 10, 2014 07:09 AM
-1 comments, last by Daniel 10 years, 7 months ago

Hi everyone,

A little over a year ago 3 friends from college and I decided to start developing a game for iOS and Android, we have been working on the game almost every day of the week, and we have really enjoyed it. We spare no time at ensuring every single detail is at its finest, this has let to the game looking amazing.

This is just part of the game art, we are now launching a Indiegogo campaign to help us finish this game, if you are interested If you are interested to know more about Zombies Grumpy you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you like what you see support us by donating and/or sharing with your friends. In indiegogo page we have a very interesting video.

Thanks a lot developers smile.png



Twitter: [twitter]GrumpyZombies[/twitter]


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