
Sand and Swords, a game made in Java SWING

Started by February 19, 2014 08:18 AM
1 comment, last by Dullmouse 10 years, 6 months ago

Sand and Swords, a game made in Java SWING
This will be a simple, single player Java SWING game. Players will be able to purchase items, improve and level up stats, and face better opponents as they get level up.
I'm just building this for my portfolio required for university.
Quick look at the basic framework:
Added chatbox, improved sprites

Fun facts about Sand and Swords:

  • Player saving/loading is done through MySQL
  • It supports interaction between players
  • Every aspect is featured in Java Swing!
  • It took 2 days to get to Update 3, amazing progress for an individual developer

Sand and Swords update 4:

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