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Karatakos said:
I perhaps have not been clear enough, but the approach I’m taking is quite common, i.e. Quake 3 state snapshots.

The approach WAS quite common in the late 90's 25 years ago, yes. It was also an era when 4 players was hard and 16 players was extreme and AAA, and a “high bandwidth” conn…


I second Juliean,
To me the meshdata isn't an actual game data, it is just an asset like a texture of some sorts. It should then be loaded, stored and destroyed only by the associated library. Graphically-wise (just made that up) your components are just here to keep track of what's happing in the s…


@hplus0603 @frob  Hey there! 

I just went through both of your messages. There's obviously precious insight in both, but I believe I will have to iterate on the implementation to consolidate my understanding. I imagine I could question or challenge some aspects, but that'd require a hindsi…


just for some closure, upon further research i found that a true ECS isn't really feasible in unreal engine without extensive modification of source of code - though in my case I was only looking at these different programming structures for benefit of maintainability. Low-level optimizations isn't…


@aressera Thank you! That sounds like the best solution. I will definitely try it. Thank you. 

Unity Visual Effect Graph - How to use the Point Cache Property Binder Component
Unity Visual Effect Graph Instancing – Property Binder Component: Point Cache Unity’s Visual Effect Graph system can be a powerful tool

But if you plan to use it for spawning a large number of effects at the same time, performance quickly becomes an issue.

Say, for instance, you want to use Visual E…

Unity DOTS Life Tutorial entities 0.4.0 preview.10: updated to entities 0.8.0 Preview.8

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This tutorial covers Conway's game of life in Unity 21019.3.0f3 with entities 0.4.0 preview.10 . Checked against 2019.3.5f1 & Entities 0.8.0 Preview.8 on March 13, 2020. Packages used are shown here Note: platforms are not the latest. it is only 0.2.1 preview 4 because Enti…

January 29, 2020 07:05 AM
Unity DOTS ECS Ecology simulations

In this series of posts I will be testing architectures and algorithms for ECS simulation. Particular those related to procedural generation and worlds with a large number interacting agents. I think about the simulations controlling things like a sim city style game or ecological simulation as opp…

Unity DOTS Life Tutorial entities 0.4.0 preview.10 #6 ECS unit testing : Update Entities 0.8.0

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This tutorial covers writing unit tests for ECS. This is a practical tutorial on the process not an essay on what to test. If you read nothing else read the IMPORT: box below on pressing apply.

Checked against 2019.3.5f1 & Entities 0.8.0 Preview.8 on March 13, 2020. Pack…

Unity DOTS Life Tutorial Ent 0.4.0 #5 SharedComponentData & Chunk Components: Update to Ent 0.8.0

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This tutorial covers SharedDataComponent & Chunk Components. This will be an attempted speed optimization by reducing the number of calls to render GameObject by having each GameObject cover a 2x2 square of cells. It will show usage of SharedCompon…

Unity DOTS Life Tutorial entities 0.4.0 #3 CommandBuffers, Tags & [UpdateAfter()]: update Ent 0.8.0

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This tutorial covers using CommandBuffers, Tags and WithAll() to reduce the number of entities processed in some steps. Also using [UpdateAfter()] and [UpdateInGroup()] to set the systems updating order.

Build tested on entities 0.4.0 preview.10 . Check…
