
Latest rigidbody Activity

Slowing the ship down is usually the more elegant solution compared to overshooting the destination and turning back. Reducing lateral thrust is also useful to achieve smooth trajectories.

Constant forward thrust is also problematic; in the simple case of not turning you probably want constant veloc…


Hi, I've been trying to build a physics engine for my own game for a while. But I face an issue which I'm unable to find a solution. They sink through the floor(Plane Collider). Can anyone give me a hand here? Without a stable simulation, I can't complete the game. Pls. Sphere-Sphere and Sphere-Pla…


Actually i used the transform.translate in the WebGL version of game, I just wanted to check if force would work fine but it hovers the cube. Searched the whole internet, some of video says, that velocity ignores the gravity, rb.addforce will continue to add force to object even after we left the k…

Help with 3D physics - having trouble getting accurate resolution with friction

The suggestion to look at old Bullet source was absolutely the best advice anyone could have ever given me. Between that and React Physics 3D, I've learnt so much over the past few days. My rigidbody engine has become fairly stable now. It isn't the most accurate it could be, but the results it gen…


the area 3d can "overwrite" the rigidbody gravity,but i would like to use a characheter body, that doesn't get affected by gravity sadly . so i have 2 choice rewrite all as rigidbody controller or make a "custom" gravity script for the charachter controller,i made a collision and mask layer for all…
